Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just a little setback

Charly had a little set-back last week. From wonderfully recovering skin 2 weeks ago, it seemed like the skin on her chest made an about turn towards deterioration once again. Dissecting every detail I could remember of her activities in the week since her last acupuncture, I remember Helena proudly saying she had acquired a great bargain on chicken parts from the neighbourhood market.

Images of chicken parts flashed across my mind, and I knew that was the culprit. Dr Susanna had told me enough times that chicken gave too much heat my "hot dog". And possibly 2 to 3 days of chicken vegetable soup for breakfast had adversely affected her recovery progress.

Immediate decree to stop all chicken in my pack's diet, and waited anxiously for another week to see if my gut feeling was right. As off today, it appears that chicken is definitely an allergen to my Charly. And if she isn't having chicken, neither are the rest of the pack.

So at today's acupuncture session, Dr Susie confirmed that Charly's recovery is back on track. But acupuncture must proceed to ensure all healing channels are open to receive the best benefit of nutrition, and Charly just can't bear to look, eventhough the sausages that come after the needles are just 20 minutes away. Her burka helps to pass the time in relative bliss.

Here's a thought... since the channels are kept clear and open with acupuncture, it stands to reason that any allergen will also be absorbed that much quicker. No wonder the effects of those chicken parts were swift. God knows what the farms put into their produce. I'm glad my pooches are having no more of it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Post-walk wash down

It's important to wash down the dogs after their walk. They drool while sniffing over all the overnight odours, pick up love-grass and other grass seeds, and are downright hot to trot by the time they get home.

All of them now know what "wash face" means. So the moment I call out "wash face" everyone starts getting into position. Ozzy is first by the garden hose.

He shakes off even before I can finish rinsing his big head.

Then it's Daisy.

She always wants to be #1 for any activity. But she realises Ozzy can't get into the sink, so as long as she gets rinsed off in the sink before Charly, she remains in a good amiable mood. Woe betide if Charly should be rinsed before Daisy. A grouchier dog, I have never come across.

A quick inspection to remove all love grass which causes them so much discomfort, it's wash down from head to rump to toe. Inspection of the anal glands, is imperative too, especially if they scoot around.

After all that is done, a good hard shake and roll on the ground gets rid of all that excess water and it's time for a sun bath.

Occasionally, it rains in the morning and the dogs have to miss their work. It's then that I have to contend with sad, dejected faces like this.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ozzy loves grooming

and he loves being told he's a "handsome boy". Grooming not only makes good bonding time with him, it gives me a total upper body workout!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Charly's warts

Poor Charly! After 10 years on kibble food (and the good stuff, mind you), the lack of beneficial enzymes, protein and wholesome nutrition in general took its toll on her.

Inside left ear flap

Outer left ear flap

Base of skull at the top of left ear

Inside left front paw has a huge one and a smaller one at the base of the dew claw.

Base of toe on left hind leg

Left hind leg toe and there's another little wart on the next toe as well.

Left rump ~ this wart has been here for as long as I remember.

Front left paw on base of 2 toes.

Left hind leg thigh wart fell out a week ago.

This was a longstanding wart on the right side of her neck. It fell out about 3 weeks ago.

This one on the right side of her jaw has been there for a long time too.

With Dr Susie's treatment and advice, and absolute faith that Charly will get better and the will to follow the natural path of good nutrition and absolute perseverance, Charly has made a remarkable turn-around from the pathetic state she was in a month ago.

It was heart-breaking to watch her hit rock-bottom, everyday just praying that that was the lowest level, and yet she would sink yet another step lower.

But 2 weeks ago, it was as if a the final combination to her vault of problems just clicked into place and the unravelling of her plagued health began overnight. No longer am I overcome with revulsion to cuddle her. A month ago, her odour was just too offensive to have her near. Baths were every 2 days. Now, she can go a week without a bath and she still smells reasonably fresh. The most basic trick, you won't believe how simple.... Apple Cider Vinegar treatment for her ears. I found the treatment recipe on the internet 50:50 ACV:Water, which I further energise with my BioDisc. It has relieved her ear problems like magic. Her ears are drenched with this solution every morning. No amount of Surolan, or whatever other vet recommended ear treatments or washes have ever had this kind of success.

Forget everything commercial vet products have pushed down your throat, your dog needs natural food. Raw food is loaded with enzymes that extracts and unlocks the full potential of all the food your dog consumes. Bone dry dog kibble and cooked food have lost the vital keys of nutrition. Would you eat dry biscuits every day if your doctor says is packed with nutrients? Do you abandon intuitive gut feeling of knowing what's best for your body? I have chosen to trust my intuition and instinct to now recognise and make the right decisions for my own health and that of my dogs.

Cocker Spaniel before and after look

My girls grow out their lovely curly hair for 6 months, and then snip - snip away, and it's down to the skin. The first time Daisy was shaved to the skin, she was so embarrassed at being naked. But even she could not deny how good she felt to have that thick coat come off. 3rd time around, she's looking forward to her 1/2 yearly shave.

And a lucky thing too, cos if she hadn't, I wouldn't have discovered the fleas. Yes, fleas. My poor girl was carrying those awful creatures around in that wooly coat. No wonder my poor Oz has flea=bite dermatitis. Now that I know what's going on on everyone's skin, I can manage it all effectively and holistically. I've learnt Sodium Polyborate is a safe environmental flea control application. My challenge is ~ where do I get it? When I do find out, I shall update this post with that resource.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

O Where has this little friend gone?

Ozzy is so sad that his little friend (who hates the sight of Ozzy) seems to have moved away. Every time we walk by, Oz runs up to the fence to look for this fiesty little MinPin bobbing up and down.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sunshine on shoulders

makes my girl happy

and better yet with little brother