Saturday, February 6, 2010

Post-walk wash down

It's important to wash down the dogs after their walk. They drool while sniffing over all the overnight odours, pick up love-grass and other grass seeds, and are downright hot to trot by the time they get home.

All of them now know what "wash face" means. So the moment I call out "wash face" everyone starts getting into position. Ozzy is first by the garden hose.

He shakes off even before I can finish rinsing his big head.

Then it's Daisy.

She always wants to be #1 for any activity. But she realises Ozzy can't get into the sink, so as long as she gets rinsed off in the sink before Charly, she remains in a good amiable mood. Woe betide if Charly should be rinsed before Daisy. A grouchier dog, I have never come across.

A quick inspection to remove all love grass which causes them so much discomfort, it's wash down from head to rump to toe. Inspection of the anal glands, is imperative too, especially if they scoot around.

After all that is done, a good hard shake and roll on the ground gets rid of all that excess water and it's time for a sun bath.

Occasionally, it rains in the morning and the dogs have to miss their work. It's then that I have to contend with sad, dejected faces like this.

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